Early Learning Center

A day at Temple Shalom Early Learning Center!

TSELC is open M-F from 7am-6pm.

We have a regular dismissal at 4pm.

Parents are able to pick up flexibly after that..

in the AM

At 7:00 am, Children are greeted by a teacher and offered an invitation to play or have breakfast. At 9:00 am, all classes gather for a morning meeting where they greet each other, talk about the day's schedule, and children are presented with choices for exploration. Children then have a snack and head outdoors to explore.

in the PM

Children gather for lunch and 2-hours of rest. Then, snack #2 and a closing meeting at 3:30 pm where children and teachers review the day and talk about what explorations they want to continue or start the next day. Children are then free to play until the end of the school day.

Special moments at TSELC

Reggio-inspired learning, rooted in Jewish values

Havdalah candle


On Mondays, our morning meetings are replaced by our all school Havdalah ceremony, a celebration that marks the end of Sabbath. We do this on Monday so that children and teachers can kick off a great week of school together. For Havdalah, children light a candle, smell sweet spices for a sweet week and sing beautiful melody.

Children and their families participate in Tot Shabbot.


On Fridays, the entire school gathers before snack to celebrate Shabbat. Shabbat is Judaism's day of rest, or Sabbath. It's observed a few minutes before sunset on Friday until Saturday night. For Shabbat, children reflect on the week's explorations and how they can continue bringing the light into the weekend. is our clean & minimalistic office. 


Holidays at the ELC are joyous occasions. We both learn about and celebrate the holidays at school, using all of our senses to explore different aspects of each celebration. We try to find ways to incorporate mitzvot (good deeds) opportunities, so that children can also experience the joy of helping others in our communities. 

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